1 research outputs found

    Securing the Skies: Cybersecurity Strategies for Smart City Cloud using Various Algorithams

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    As smart cities continue to evolve, their reliance on cloud computing technologies becomes increasingly apparent, enabling the seamless integration of data-driven services and urban functionalities. However, this transformation also raises concerns about the security of the vast and interconnected cloud infrastructures that underpin these cities' operations. This paper explores the critical intersection of cloud computing and cybersecurity within the context of smart cities. This research is dealing with challenges posed by the rapid expansion of smart city initiatives and their reliance on cloud-based solutions. It investigates the vulnerabilities that emerge from this technological convergence, emphasizing the potential risks to data privacy, urban services, and citizen well-being. The abstract presents a comprehensive overview of the evolving threat landscape that smart cities face in the realm of cloud computing. To address these challenges, the abstract highlights the importance of proactive cybersecurity strategies tailored specifically to the unique needs of smart cities. It underscores the significance of adopting a multi-layered approach that encompasses robust encryption protocols, intrusion detection systems, threat intelligence sharing, and collaborative efforts among stakeholders. Drawing insights from existing research and real-world case studies, the abstract showcases innovative solutions that leverage advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain to fortify the security posture of smart city cloud infrastructures. It explores the role of data governance, user authentication, and anomaly detection in creating a resilient cybersecurity framework that safeguards critical urban systems